Friday, September 12, 2008

Photo Shoot #4

Well yesterday we had a little time in the morning before work so we did a little photo shoot. I really wanted to do it outside but my flowers are dying and it has been wet here. Great Gram got her the little flower hat at the Ren Fest. Kylee did really well with the photos and she smiles more now but she really wants to move so sitting still for photos is NOT her favorite thing right now! She had a little melt down but we got through it. Oh and She was also coming down with the sniffles so she was drooling even more than normal... and normally she drools A TON! So her poor little shirt got pretty wet. All in all we got a few cute shots and that's all I can ask for. She is just too cute I can't help myself!

She had 2 new experiences this week.

September 8th she rolled from her tummy to her back. She has only done it a few times but she is getting better at it and that's a good thing because she hates being stuck on her belly!

September 11th she tried pears. She like them much better than cereal! I think we might move onto carrots next. We'll see how that goes.

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