Monday, September 8, 2008

August Milestones

August Kylee really started to get to be fun! She loves all of her toys and has really started to play. I have been garage saling to find her toys. I have found that you can pay big bucks for kid toys and that does NOT mean that they will like them! Even if they like them you have to change them up because they get board! I (my Mom too) have found some really great deals. Kylee now has many learning toys and an exersaucer at our house and Grandmas. One of her favorite toys is a green frog rattle w/ 4 hoops on it..... she can eat that thing for days! Yup, everything goes into the mouth! She is a very happy baby but likes to have people to play with.... or at least be able to see them. You may say she is a bit spoiled but it's kinda hard not to be when she is w/ a family member at all times! She doesn't go to daycare, I take her to work w/ me and Freida and I play with her all day. Daddy has her on his day off and wants to spend quality time with her so they play. If my mom or Grandma have her they want to play with her... so yeah she is use to people playing with her! So needless to say when I want to get things done around here it can be a challenge. She goes to bed at 8 but by then I don't want to clean and I want to spend time with Mike. So yeah we might have dishes in the sink and my flower beds need to be weeded but I would rather spend time with her! (I do clean during her naps. LOL)

August Milestones

August 4th she rolled over for the first time! (from back to tummy) she gets mad because she can't crawl yet and gets stuck.

August 6th she found her feet and she LOVES them!

August 16th she started to try and hold her bottle (still needs help but she is trying)

August 19th four month DR appointment. She got her 2 round of shots (she did good). She was 15 lbs. 7 oz. 24 3/4 inches.

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