Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Got shoes?

Before Kylee was born I was given A TON of clothes for her. Since she has sooooo many clothes I have told my Mom not to buy her any so..... she buys shoes! Sometimes she buys outfits that match the shoes (because what would she ware with them if she didn't LOL). Luckily I am the type of Mom that has her dressed everyday head to toe and that means she always has shoes on! I must say that it's not just my Mom though because she has got shoes from other people too. Amy next door knows what a freak I am about dressing her and she even picks shoes up when they are on sale! LOL The pic is of shoes that she has had birth til now and it keeps growing! She has a bunch more that we have not even got out yet because they are still too big! SPOILED! I have been told that I am creating a monster! It may be cute now but when she is 13 and wants shoes for every outfit I'm screwed! It won't be bad, I'll just tell her to get a job! LOL Someone better have a spring baby girl so I can pass them on.... (Stef you should work on that!)

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