Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cereal for the 1st time.

With this post I should be up to date! YEAH!

September 7th we gave Kylee cereal for the first time. She eats (drinks) really well and we thought she was kinda board with just the bottle so we gave her food. We put a towel down on our footstool and put her in her Bumbo with the tray on it and tried to feed her. We used the silver spoon that Great Gram got her. She got more on her than in her. I'm not sure if she liked it or not.... I think she kept spitting it out because it was so new. By the end of it she was crying and we fed her the rest of her dinner in a bottle. I guess only time will tell but I'm sure she will be fine, she comes from a family of good eaters so lets hope she is not picky!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWW She is too cute. Reese LOVED her cereal the first time I fed her, now her favorite is Sweet potatoes.