Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1st tooth!

Well Kylee got her 1st tooth! It is the bottom left. She has been drooling like crazy lately so we knew it was coming but she was never really fussy so we didn't know it had popped through. I took her up to Mike's work yesterday and our waitress (Amanda) wanted to hold her so we let her. So Amanda had her on her lap (Lucky's was slow on a Monday) and Kylee start chomping on her hand. Amanda said oh she has her 1st tooth! I was like she does? and sure enough there it was. It had to have popped through that morning because I just felt her gums and there was nothing there. Nothing like a stranger (well she works with Mike) to let you know you baby has teeth. I kinda felt bad that she was the one to find it but like I said it must have just popped out. I tried to get a pic of it but Kylee was not having it! She kept pushing her tongue over it. So the pic is one that was taken over the weekend with our neighbor Malachi.

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