Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kylee & Charlie

Kylee would like nothing more but to have Charlie as her buddy! Charlie is our 8 year old cat that is use to being our baby! He is a good cat and is mellowing as he ages but he is still not all about Kylee. He likes to watch her from a far. In the last month has started to get closer but still likes to keep an arm length away from her. Once in a while, if we are on the floor or holding Kylee he will let her touch him for about 30 seconds and he is out of there. This makes Kylee squeal with delight. The other day while I was feeding her Charlie curled up on the other half of my lap and sat with us (she no longer wanted the baba she wanted the kitty!). I think that Charlie knows that Kylee is here to stay and she is growing on him.... at least until she can chase him around and pull his tail!

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