Monday, September 8, 2008


July was full of family birthdays and picnic's. We had still did dinner at Great gram's and Friday night dinners but we also had a baby shower, the church picnic and we even went to the Elizabeth Lake fireworks! Elizabeth Lake is the lake that our sub surrounds and they put on a really nice fireworks display every year. We could have went down to our beach to watch them but it's kinda a hike and very crowded so we watched them form the entrance to Stephanie's sub. The fireworks started at 10 and Kylee stayed up for about half of them (10:20). We had a great view and Kylee was all comfy in her PJ's in the stroller. She also had her 1st boat ride on Cass Lake. She was okay on the boat but not really into it. She had to wear a life preserver that was the smallest they make but still really big on her and pushed on her neck (better safe than sorry).

July Milestones

July 1st first boat ride

July 8th she giggled really big for her Daddy. He can really get her rolling!

July 15th she had her hearing test (passed) because the one at the hospital was not working when she was born.

July 16th she went in the lake (Cass) for the 1st time

July 19 she had her first professional photo shoot.

July 29th Family photo shoot.

July 30th she had apple juice for the 1st time (she was backed up and it didn't work so she got prune juice the next day)

Yet another month of pure joy! We love her so much and love watching her grow!

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