Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kylee's Kitchen

In November Darla called me because she and Al had been at Costco and Al found a kitchen that "Kylee had to have!" She asked us to go look at it and if we thought that Kylee would like it and we would let her have it to buy it and they would send us the cash. Mike and I agreed that she would like it and got it for her. Mike put it together Christmas Eve and when Darla & Al got to our house we brought it out for her. She LOVES it! It is her new favorite toy! (she likes all of her other stuff too but this is her favorite right now..... wait a week and the toy you got her will be the new favorite). Now I don't know when the last time you played with a "play " kitchen was but man they have come a LONG way! This thing has a light over the sink, the phone, microwave and oven all have keypads that work, and when you put pots and pans on the stove they make sounds of boiling water or frying things and light up! I must say it is pretty cool!

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