Monday, January 18, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

We went to Chuck E Cheese today with GG, Nona and Yanyell (aka Great Gram, My Mom and Danielle). It was pretty crowded since the kids were out of school for MLK day but we still had fun. Kylee had NO FEAR! She went on every "ride" and I think some of them even bored her. She played a few games, she likes "shark attack" (wack a mole) and ski ball. We found a Kylee look a like that she shared a ride with and she "met" Chuck E (he is just mechanical now). I think her favorite part, or at least mine was the "roller coaster" ride. It was a ride you sit in and the screen shows you a little video of what you would see if you were on the coaster as it tilts you all around. I had her leaning and putting her hands in the air yelling WEEEEE! It was so cute. I think we would take her again just on a less crowded day.

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