Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Great Grandma Kay (just like we do every year). Gram had a great spread of food. We played the game where you draw numbers and pick or steal presents but of course everyone bought for Kylee (and Danielle too). Kylee got one of my favorite gifts that night. My Aunt Mardel made her bags to keep all her new toys in. (I will post a pic later) There is a bag with farm animals that the farm stuff goes in and a bag with food that the food for the kitchen goes in and so on. DON'T get me wrong! I LOVE ALL the gifts Kylee got! But the way that Mardel made them is awesome! The are like large pillow cases with drawstrings on them. She even put the little do dads that you have to push to loosen them up. I LOVE these bags because they keep all the toys organized! Most toys have a bag to go in and they are not just parts to toys floating around the toy box. The BEST part is that Kyle can't open them by herself yet! (I know that sounds mean) So before we open the next bag we pick up the first bag! Hence we do NOT have 10 million little peices to everything all over the living room! (and that is why they are my personal favorite!)

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