Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Day

Mike and I decided that we never wanted our kids to have to leave their toys and go all over town on Christmas. So when we had Kylee we started having Christmas here.... well last year we planned on it but we were all sick so this year was the first year. Anyone was welcome to come over after 2 (after Kylee's nap). We had a house full of people (doesn't take much our house is not so big). We had both side of my family over and had a wonderful day. Kylee even got to spend time with 2 of her 3 Great Grandma's that are still living. We are so blessed to have such great family and be able to have alot of them get together at the same time. The only thing that could have made it more special would be to have Mike's side of the family here too. We miss the so much exspecially this time of year!.... but don't worry we take good care of Michael! A big THANK YOU to EVERYONE that spent time with us and sent gifts!

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