Monday, January 18, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

We went to Chuck E Cheese today with GG, Nona and Yanyell (aka Great Gram, My Mom and Danielle). It was pretty crowded since the kids were out of school for MLK day but we still had fun. Kylee had NO FEAR! She went on every "ride" and I think some of them even bored her. She played a few games, she likes "shark attack" (wack a mole) and ski ball. We found a Kylee look a like that she shared a ride with and she "met" Chuck E (he is just mechanical now). I think her favorite part, or at least mine was the "roller coaster" ride. It was a ride you sit in and the screen shows you a little video of what you would see if you were on the coaster as it tilts you all around. I had her leaning and putting her hands in the air yelling WEEEEE! It was so cute. I think we would take her again just on a less crowded day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Coloring w/ Nona

You will be seeing a lot of coloring post these days. It is one of Kylee's favorite things to do. Today she got Nona to color with her while we were waiting to go to lunch. Notice how well Nona stays in the lines! Good job Nona! LOL. The whole family went to lunch today because Great Gram and Auntie Del are leaving for Florida on Tuesday. They will be gone 6 weeks and we will MISS them bunches!

Wee Worship

Kylee has been going into the nursery at church since she was about 6 months old. She has a blast in there with all of her little friends. There have been less kids in the nursery and the Wee worship room the last few weeks (cold and flu season) so we combines the rooms. Kylee loves playing with the bigger kids. This year I signed you to be in the Wee Worship room (kids 2-5) and I am looking forward to doing arts and crafts with them. Today Jamy brought the lesson and we did the story of Noah's Ark and colored all of God's animals. We had purple elephant, orange lions and green birds! They all did a wonderful job!

French Braids!

Kylee's hair is starting to get long! I can get it into a double french braid now and she looks so darn cute. She sits still really good for me when I am braiding her hair. I know they are not the best but you try braiding super thin, almost to short hair with crazy cowlicks (she can thank her Daddy for that). They will get better as she gets more hair.


Kylee really like her new blocks she got for Christmas. I must say that her favorite thing to do is dump them out. Her second favorite thing is to pull apart whatever you have just built with her. On the bright side she is getting better at picking them up, but they must go in the bag 1 by 1 and she is verrrry slow! Another bonus of the blocks is that there are a bunch of them so she doesn't mind sharing!

Our little Picasso

Kylee loves to color. After picking up 10 million toy for the 20th time I decide the girls (and Mommy) needed a little break. I pulled out our o so handy "art bag" and we got down to scribbling! Kylee like to use blue a lot and Emma like to try and eat the crayon and markers. It only lasted about 1/2 an hour but it was fun.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Our little dust bunny

When ever I dust Kylee likes to help out.... and I let her. Now if she only did floors and windows!

Costco field trip

Yesterday I had some cabin fever and it was not extremely cold out so Mike and I took the girls to Costco. They loved that they could sit next to each other in the buggy! The trip was kind of a bust, we got what we needed but we were too early for the samples (had to go before nap time). To make up for it we all shared a frozen yogurt on the way out.

The feeding zoo

Every morning Emma comes at 8:30 we make breakfast and eat at 9:00. The entire time we are making breakfast the girls stand at the gate (that keeps them out of the kitchen and out from under our feet). The two of them look like animals at a feeding/petting zoo. Here are pics of Kylee giving Emma kisses while they wait for their breakfast.......


Kylee has my icky dry eczema skin! Every time we changed her diaper we were putting lotion on the dry spots. Well Kylee just loves it and now when you change her she will start taking off her clothes so that you can put lotion all over her. She will go and get a diaper and the lotion hoping even if she is dry she can get lubed up! The other night while I was making dinner she went and got the lotion and started to put it on herself....

Presents from Grammy

Kylee was in heaven, every few days boxes showed up at our house with presents in them for her to open.... and when she did there where toys inside! SWEET! The last package we got was from Grammy. Her favorite gift in the box was the baby. (Sue my favorite was the "gift cookbook" that thing rocks!) She even figured out how the carrier for the baby works! It was nice to get another baby because now Kylee and Emma can each play with one and there is no (ok less) fighting over sharing.

Toy Bags

Here is a pic of the "toy bags" that my Aunt Mardel made Kylee for Christmas (ok so they were more for me that her). They have been working out GREAT! All of them are made of different material so she knows what's in them and have a drawstring top. The drawstring ROCKS! She has to have someone open them for her making less of a mess! Every parent should have these.... maybe I will get a little sweat shop going, have my Aunt and Grandma pump these babies out and I will sell them for high dollar at craft shows!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sunday Best

This is one of the outfits that Bruce & Kathy got Kylee. This is before church on Sunday. I had to share the cuteness!
Don't forget to hit January on the right hand side to make sure you see all the new updates! ENJOY!

Bouncing with the Martins

After the tea party we put up the bounce house. It barely fits in our living room. I can't wait until summer comes and we can take it outside where there is more space! The kids had fun!