Monday, December 14, 2009


This year Kylee got to spend Halloween with her big cousin Preslie! Jordan was with us for a bit and then had to leave. Halloween night was cold and rainy but we went out anyway. Sue lives in Midtown and has a big beautiful neighborhood right across the street that we went trick or treating in. Due to the crappy weather (and the fact that there were big uphill driveways with steps leading up to the houses) Kylee only went to about a dozen houses. That was more than enough for her.... she is 1 1/2 and will never know if we hit 1 house or 50. We had a big group (Stacy, Lisa and Preslie, Mike, Kylee and I, Stef, Tony and the dogs (they stole the show from our cute kids!) and cousin Michele. Weather aside we had a great time! Oh and did I mention that Kylee was not in the best of modes (as you can see from the pics). We had pics done that day and she was sooooooo in need of a nap after a long day!

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