Monday, December 14, 2009

3 generations

So we thought it would be nice for Sue to get family pics done while we were ALL there. Sue has 5 kids and 3 grand kids (plus the spouses), Stacy & Preslie and Mat & Jordan live with in an hour of her, Stef and Tony live 4 hours away, Marc and Wendy live in Texas and We live in Michigan. To make it harder to get together Tony, Marc and Wendy are all in the air force and were all deployed this summer. This was the first time EVERYONE was together since Tony and Stef's wedding 4 years ago. Needless to say Sue was excited to have us all together! Here are some of the Family pics. We did a bit of everyone. It was really great that we had everyone together... Can ya feel the love! PS... Keep in mind that they do look better in the prints because they cropped them (I would have but I am WAAAAY far behind in the blog and this is what ya get!)

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