Tuesday, December 15, 2009

After Dinner

Okay so I have been a total slacker on the blog lately! I have been watching kids during the day and working on photo gifts at night.... needless to say the blog has suffered! These blogs catch up on the last half of our vacation. They are short and sweet but you get to see good family quality time we had together. I am hoping that I can post more in the next few days of things we have done since we got back and be caught up to Christmas. I do my best even if it takes me a while! Sooner or late you will see it all!
These pics were taken after a family dinner we had at Sue's. They are just of us all hanging out enjoying family time. I hope you like the updates. Check back in soon as I hope to get caught up SOON!
As always please click on "December" on the right hand side to make sure you see all new posts!

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