Sunday, September 13, 2009

Spray Park... Ohio Trip 9/09

Since I have been unemployed it was the perfect time to head south to my Dad & Karen's house. Unfortunately Mike did not get to go on this trip but it was still really great. Dad and Karen treated us like princesses! They got up every morning and made us breakfast (they cut up all of Kylee's food and fed her, it was a hands free weekend for me). They took up to the park , the sprinkler park, the aquarium, Yellow Springs (hippy town) and made us AWESOME meals. I loved watching them interact with Kylee and I am so glad they are part of our lives! The following post are some of the highlights....

$2.00 for parking. $2.00 to go into the sprinkler park (it would have been free since she is under 2 but Dad had already paid). Watching Dad and Kylee have a blast in the water ...PRICELESS! It just goes to show that you can spend the money to do REALLY cool things (see below) but good clean, cheap fun at the end of the day wins out! Dad and Karen have an AWESOME park by them (Winton Woods, if you are campers let me know because this place I might even camp at) and we went and spent a late afternoon there. It had a spray park and playground that Kylee LOVED! Kylee loves the water and it was really great to share that with Dad and Karen. I want to thank them for an terrific weekend and we can't wait to go back... hopefully with Mike next time!

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