Sunday, September 13, 2009

Newport Aquarium

So while we were visiting Dad and Karen we went to the Newport Aquarium.... and it was AWESOME! This place is soooo great if you have kids you need to go! There was a TON of hands on stuff for the little ones to do. When you first walk in there are drums for them to play (Kylee loved this!), there are tunnels to walk through, petting ponds to explore, glass floors to lay on and penguins to pet! We had a ball! When you first walk in there you get to play the African drums, then you move on through fish filled tunnels to a petting pond for all ages. You get to pet horse shoe crabs & starfish! Go in a bit farther and you get the big tanks and the glass floors where alligators explore! Next onto the frog house where you see live creators but also get to push the buttons and hear the sounds of life size tree frogs! My favorite stop was the jellyfish! They are so tranquil (until you get stung I guess). The jellies led us to the nurse shark pond where you could pet them! In the nurse shark room was a "fish scale" that Kylee LOVED (you all know how she loves swings!). We had a perfect day.... and then it got better when we got to pet penguins!

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