Sunday, September 13, 2009

Petting Penguins!

This is how close and personal the penguins got to us!

"Nice, nice"

The second part of our aquarium trip was petting the penguins! It was one of the coolest things I have ever done and I hope that Kylee will have some recollection of it! The penguins were from South Africa so no winter coats were needed. We went back into this special little room (8 people) and got to interact and pet the penguins! Hind sight is 20/20 though and we should have went to the aquarium a bit later and did this first. Kylee did really good though, it was kinda strange because I put her in a little gated off area (because she wanted down and I didn't want her rolling in poo) and the penguins ran free! They came right up to you and hung out. They were soooo soft (70 feathers per square inch) and they followed a laser beam like a cat. One of the biologist picked up a penguin and brought it over for Kylee to pet, she kept saying "nice, nice" just like she does when she pets dogs and cats.... and babies! It was soooo cute! She may not remember it but I sure will and we had such a great time! Thank you Karen for taking such awesome pics of Kylee and I ... I am always taking the pics and never in them, these are really cool to actually be in!

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