Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gymnastic Class

We put Kylee in a gymnastic class (THANKS MOM) through Waterford parks and recreation. The class is for kids 1-3 years old and meets once a week for 45 minutes. This week was week 3 out of the 8 week class. Miss Lisa is Kylee's teacher and she in WONDERFUL. We start out with warm ups and stretching and then do some mat work (rolling, marching, walking backwards). Then the kids get about 15 minutes for "free" time to play on all the equipment. The group comes back together and we sing a few songs that have motions (wheels on the bus, ring around the rosy) and then Miss Lisa brings out the parachute. The parachute is Kylee's Favorite! The kids sit in the middle and all the parents spin them around and then they go under it as the parents lift it up and down. At closing Miss Lisa blows bubbles for them to pop and stamps their hands. Kylee has a great time with all the kids (Ramiah from church is in her class too). We get Kylee to do about 50% of the structured stuff.... most the time she is just running around. There are only 2 kids over the age of 2 so the other kids are running around too. Miss Lisa doesn't care, she says if some of the kids do some of the stuff some of the time she is happy.... she knows that they are at the age where they just go! Kylee is learning stuff in class. Some examples are.... She can climb up the slide now (Still working on pulling her last leg over before she goes down) she crawls through the tunnel and she now knows what sharing is! LOL The pics are a sampling of the last 3 weeks of class.

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