Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kicking off Christmas

We were very busy this Christmas. Mike was working a ton of hours as usual and everyone wanted to see Kylee on her 1st Christmas. We started out the holiday by going to Great Grandma Wallet's house. Uncle Al and Aunt Darla were in from Arizona and it was Kylee's first time meeting them. We went over there and had dinner. Just as I started to take some pic and Kylee was opening her gifts she got sick. This was the first time Kylee had gotten sick.... and boy did she get sick. She puked everywhere. We thought it was a fluke because she seemed fine after. She opened the gifts from the "Wallet" side and then we left close to her bed time. Once we got home she got sick two more times.... and that's when we knew Punky Lou had the flu!

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