Saturday, January 24, 2009

9 month check up

Kylee had her 9 month check up on Wednesday (1/21) and is doing great. She was 27 3/4 inches and 21 lbs. The pic is of her and Dr. Nair, we love our pediatrician!
Kylee popped out another tooth Thursday (1/22). It was the top left and I think she is working on the other one too. She had been a bit cranky and extra drooly the last few days. It's a good thing she is getting more teeth because she love to eat. She got the okay to pretty much eat what ever she wants as far as real food goes. We had started giving her real food around the 1st of the year and she LOVES it. You can not eat in front of her unless you plan on sharing.... she begs like a dog!
She is learning so much so fast it blows my mind! She learned patty cake, high 5 and so big all in the last week! She is so close to walking on her own, she walks along all the furniture and I know that she is going to let go and take off running any day now. She is in to EVERYTHING! and I mean EVERYTHING! she keeps us busy and on our toes that for sure.

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