Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trimming the tree

Yesterday I put up our Christmas tree. I was going to wait because I thought that Kylee would want to "eat" everything on it but my Mom and Grandma have theirs up and she left them alone. We got a smaller tree this year (6 foot the old one was 7 1/2) so I was able to put it up on a box out of her reach. Since we downsized the tree we had a ton of ornaments to put on (I skipped on the gold this year) so it took a while. Kylee was really good the whole time! She was more about the boxes that what was in them! I am still working on Kylee's tree (need to get a small set of lights) and I will post that when it is done. Here is a pic of my silver, blue and white tree and one of Kylee excited that the tree is up. Now to start shopping and wrapping..... ahhhh!

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