Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was Kylee 1st Thanksgiving. We are so thankful that we have her after 3 years of trying! She is the biggest joy in our lives and love watching grow. We are thankful for family and friends, near and far. We hope you all know we love you and we hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Today we went to Great Gram's for dinner. Gram did the turkey and stuffing and we all brought a dish. We ate dinner, watched football and then played some games. I got Kylee "turkey and broth" baby food so she could be like all the adults.... she HATED it. I don't blame her it smell NASTY! So she just ate the squash and fruit. We did let her try a little of the chocolate pie and she loved it.

I had her in a little turkey hat and gobble gobble bib, it didn't seem to bother her. She had fun playing with everyone and even wanted to join in the train game.
Guilt go to me and I replaced the pics w/ a layout.

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