Friday, November 7, 2008

A star in the making!

I take Kylee in to get her "milestone" pics done (3, 6, 9 months) even though I take a ton of pics. I feel like if I don't I will regret it. I only buy the one pose package that I have the coupons for but I usually take her to Sears and JC Penny's. They are both in the mall so I change her outfit between and walk away with 2 poses and pics for less than twenty bucks.... totally working the system I know! LOL Anyway I picked up her pics from JCP today and they wanted me to sign a release form so they could use her pic! They are for sure going to use it in their studio but they are submitting it to corporate to see if they want to use it nationally! Pretty cool eh! The pic they used was a collage of about 6 pics and was really cute. I will get one of them soon and they will let me know if she will be used nationally as soon as they know (I'm sure it is a long shot!). The pic is the pose I picked from that sitting. I picked it because she is kinda crawling in it and that's what she is doing now. I don't think I have mentioned that... she has been doing the "Army crawl" for about a week and a half and now is starting to get her knees under her. oh and No, I don't think that we get paid for them using her pics... just bragging rights.

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