Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trimming the tree

Yesterday I put up our Christmas tree. I was going to wait because I thought that Kylee would want to "eat" everything on it but my Mom and Grandma have theirs up and she left them alone. We got a smaller tree this year (6 foot the old one was 7 1/2) so I was able to put it up on a box out of her reach. Since we downsized the tree we had a ton of ornaments to put on (I skipped on the gold this year) so it took a while. Kylee was really good the whole time! She was more about the boxes that what was in them! I am still working on Kylee's tree (need to get a small set of lights) and I will post that when it is done. Here is a pic of my silver, blue and white tree and one of Kylee excited that the tree is up. Now to start shopping and wrapping..... ahhhh!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Beans & Pickles

Yesterday at Thanksgiving my Aunt Mardel brought one of her Favorite pis of Danielle to dinner. The pic was taken when Dani was 6 months old and looks a lot like the pickle pic of Kylee (she was 6 months in that pic). One day (about 15 years ago) Mardel was snapping beans and Dani was sitting in her highchair wanting one.... so Mardel gave it to her and she stuck it in her mouth. It's funny how simalar the pics are! and yes we only have bald babies in our family (Mike's family has baldies too)
remember you can always click on a pic to make it bigger!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was Kylee 1st Thanksgiving. We are so thankful that we have her after 3 years of trying! She is the biggest joy in our lives and love watching grow. We are thankful for family and friends, near and far. We hope you all know we love you and we hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Today we went to Great Gram's for dinner. Gram did the turkey and stuffing and we all brought a dish. We ate dinner, watched football and then played some games. I got Kylee "turkey and broth" baby food so she could be like all the adults.... she HATED it. I don't blame her it smell NASTY! So she just ate the squash and fruit. We did let her try a little of the chocolate pie and she loved it.

I had her in a little turkey hat and gobble gobble bib, it didn't seem to bother her. She had fun playing with everyone and even wanted to join in the train game.
Guilt go to me and I replaced the pics w/ a layout.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kylee meets the Wallet side of the family

Okay long story short I have not really kept in contact with my Dad's side of the family. That being said my Dad met Kylee for the first time on Sunday night. It made him a very happy man to be a Grandpa. Tonight Mike and I took Kylee over to meet my Grandma Wallet (her Great Grandma) and have dinner. Kylee and Great Grandma Wallet had a good time playing together. Over all it was a good family "reunion".

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Go Blue...

Well Saturday was the U of M vs Ohio State game. Kylee wore her little Michigan cheerleading uniform to help cheer on her team. Even cousin Toby (she went to Michigan State) was cheering for U of M (something about if Ohio lost it would help State go to the rose bowl). None of it helped! Michigan got killed. Better luck next year

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hard at Work

Her is a pic of Kylee and Freida (the lady we help out during the day). Kylee loves to sit w/ Freida... it's crazy because she sits still for her and wiggles for everyone else. I think Kylee knows that Freida can't hold on to her so she sits still. Every afternoon we read a book together and then Kylee and Freida take a nap.

Kylee & Charlie.... High 5!

Kylee LOVES Charlie! She will take attention from him anyway she can get it! Tonight they were playing "high 5"!.... well at least that's how Kylee saw it! LOL .... and yes Charlie is declawed!
As you can see I really like that I can add videos here too. I know that some are kinda dark but I taped them spur of the moment!

Bath Time Fun!

Tonight when we gave Kylee a bath we taped it. We really love bath time!

7 months old!

WOW how time flies! Here is Kylee on the day she turned 7 months. She is sitting up really well now. We are working on drinking from a sippy cup, she gets more on her than in her mouth but she will get it. You can really see her teeth in one of the pics! (if you click on the pics it makes them bigger)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kylee's New Trick

Kylee amazes us everyday by doing new things. Kylee can now make "raspberries"! I do it all of the time to her and she started doing it back last Thursday. It's cute ..... as long as there is not food involved! I took the video this morning before we got ready for church.

Oh and by the way it's snowing here. We had snow last week and it didn't stick but this time it did. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Kylee & Reese

This is a pic of Kylee and her friend Reese. Reese goes to the same church as us and was born the day after Kylee (they are really only about 12 hours apart). The girls were only a few ounces apart at birth and have stayed that way ever since! They are soooo cute together! They reach out to each other and hold hands! Shannon (Reese's Mommy) and I love watching them grow, comparing notes and hope that they will be great friends as they grow up together!

Hunter Roth's Birthday Party

Last Sunday we went to the 3rd birthday party for Hunter, the son of my oldest friend. We had a great time... Kylee wanted to help open presents too. She was all about the paper... she should be fun at Christmas!

Friday, November 7, 2008

A star in the making!

I take Kylee in to get her "milestone" pics done (3, 6, 9 months) even though I take a ton of pics. I feel like if I don't I will regret it. I only buy the one pose package that I have the coupons for but I usually take her to Sears and JC Penny's. They are both in the mall so I change her outfit between and walk away with 2 poses and pics for less than twenty bucks.... totally working the system I know! LOL Anyway I picked up her pics from JCP today and they wanted me to sign a release form so they could use her pic! They are for sure going to use it in their studio but they are submitting it to corporate to see if they want to use it nationally! Pretty cool eh! The pic they used was a collage of about 6 pics and was really cute. I will get one of them soon and they will let me know if she will be used nationally as soon as they know (I'm sure it is a long shot!). The pic is the pose I picked from that sitting. I picked it because she is kinda crawling in it and that's what she is doing now. I don't think I have mentioned that... she has been doing the "Army crawl" for about a week and a half and now is starting to get her knees under her. oh and No, I don't think that we get paid for them using her pics... just bragging rights.

Mommy and Me swim class

Well yesterday Kylee and I started Mommy and Me swim classes. It is at my old high school (Waterford Mott) and the pool is only about 3 years old (yeah, they didn't have that when I was there!). Kylee had a ball! As soon as we got into the pool she was so happy to be around other kids! She was reaching out for them wanting to play. She is such a social butterfly... wonder where she gets that from? There are 4 girls and 1 boy in her class and they are all about the same age. It was really pretty cool. It is mostly for fun and to get them use to the water but we did do some exercises to help them swim. We tried to get them to blow bubbles... but Kylee wanted to eat the water as you will notice in the pic! We even put them under water (you didn't have to). Kylee was fine the whole time and never cried but did get a bit cold after awhile. She totally loved the water.....I think that she may be part fish!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday Best

Kylee had on such a pretty dress for church on Sunday that I had to snap a few pics ......shocking I know! LOL

Playing in the leaves

Saturday it was a really nice day so I took Kylee outside to play in the leaves. She was not liking it to much. I don't think that she really knew what to make of it so she just laid there. Maybe she will like snow better.......

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kylee's Friend Sonny

As you know Kylee goes to work with me. Well the Walsh's have a dog named Sonny that Kylee LOVES! She wants to pet him all the time and he let's her. Today I caught them playing ball! Sonny has a ball that he likes to play fetch with and he was giving it to Kylee and she would pass it back to him. This went on for about 5 minutes. Kylee was just delighted that an animal would play with her since our cat Charlie won't go near her for more that a few seconds.

Halloween 2008

For Kylee's 1st Halloween we went to our church's Trunk or Treat. Great Gram, Grandma, Mommy & Kylee went early and Daddy met us when he got out of work. The weather was GREAT so Kylee got to be a fairy since we didn't have to bundle her up (she had a back up lady bug costume if it was cold). Every one thought that she was soooo cute and she had a great 1st Halloween.