Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More tricks

So Kylee has more new tricks! She does High 5, So Big and patty cake. She has done them all for about 2-3 weeks now and loves showing off. It takes us twice as long at the grocery store because everyone has to stop and talk to her and her has to do tricks for them..... or blow raspberries at them depending on her mood. She thinks both are funny and so do all her new "friends". Then we start walking away and she waves like crazy and says bah-bye! She has been saying Mama for a while now and said Dada yesterday for the 1st time. She say baba all of the time and comes crawling full speed when she sees her bottle. Kylee raises her arms and says "pph" (up w/ out the u) when she wants you to pick her up. She is still surfing along anything she can grab on to but we know any day she is going to let go and make a run for it! She is growing so fast and does new things everyday to amaze us.

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