Sunday, February 8, 2009

Delta Gamma Anchor Girls

On Saturday Kylee and I went to Sweet Afton's Tea Room in Plymouth to meet up w/ a bunch of my Delta Gamma sisters and their daughters. Delta Gamma has started a new program called Anchor Girls for legacies (which Kylee is). It was really nice to see my old friends and meet their little girls! We sat by the WMU girls, Molly and her daughter Laura (4) were next to us. Kylee loved playing w/ Laura. Laura also liked Kylee.... Molly called me that day to tell me that on the way home Laura said "Mommy I love baby Kylee! She is so much cuter than Joshy". Josh is Molly youngest (she has 2 boys, a girl and another boy on the way). Molly told her that was not a nice thing to say and Laura replied "it's okay to say that Mommy because Kylee is a girl"! LOL

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