Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa... the real deal!

Today Mike had the day off so we took Kylee back to Somerset to see Santa. We got there about 9:30 and only had to wait for 1 family in front of us. Kylee was such a good girl! She was all about talking to the other kids as she stood in line. Yes, I said stood.... that is all she wants to do these days! Anyway we got her picture taken. She didn't smile she was too busy checking Santa out! After they take your pics they let the kids pic coins out of a treasure chest. They can turn the coins in at different store for fun trinkets or sweets. She got a bookmark and a cookie from Mrs. Fields. We gave her the cookie at lunch and she LOVED it! I am glad that we went back today, the pics turned out well and Daddy got to go with us. Oh and of course she had to scratch her poor little head the day before pics!

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