Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Pics

Here are Kylee's Christmas pics.

Give her Kisses!

Friday night while I was making dinner Mike and Kylee were playing. He took her into our room so she could "play w/ the baby". I kept hearing him tell her to "Give her kisses". Here is what I found them doing..... I was wondering why my mirror had little hand prints and slobber on it!

Snow day!

Friday we got about 8-10 inches of snow. Kylee and I stayed home.... I don't think we would have made it out of the driveway! Here is a pic of the snow when I opened up the front door.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1st certificate

Kylee and I had our last Mommy and me swim class tonight for the season. She got a certificate and everything. Kylee really enjoyed the pool and being around other kids. I think we will do it again.... but when it gets warmer! If we do another "mommy and me" class in the winter we will pick something that we can keep our clothes on for. We will miss our class but not going out into the cold.... could have been worse tomorrows forecast is calling for 8-12 inches!

Standing in her crib!

So today I put Kylee down for a nap in her crib. I wanted to make sure she fell asleep so I started to check me emails and was listening for silence. Well instead of silence all I hear is the rattling of her crib rail. I peak my head around the corner and to my surprise Kylee is STANDING in her crib! I had just uploaded pics to the computer the day before so my camera was on the desk. I grabbed it to take a pic of my little stinker after she pulled herself up by herself for the 1st time. Look at her, she is soooo proud of herself!

I guess that Mike was a crib diver and I hope that Kylee doesn't follow in her Daddy's footsteps! To be on the safe side Mike is going to lower the mattress in her crib. She has a wood floor in her room that I would hate for her to end up on!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Making Messes

Kylee now gets into everything. When she is awake we have to keep an eye on her at all times! She wants to touch, taste and explore EVERYTHING! Here is just one example, she is getting into Danny's old movies when we were babysitting Saturday night!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kylee's Cookie from Santa

Stacy asked for a new video so her ya go.....
With the "treasure" Kylee got from Santa she got a small Mrs. Fields cookie. We gave it to her at lunch and she LOVED it! Based on how she ate the cookie I think that she is ready for stage 3 foods! We had Mexican for lunch in case you can't tell by the background music! LOL

Santa... the real deal!

Today Mike had the day off so we took Kylee back to Somerset to see Santa. We got there about 9:30 and only had to wait for 1 family in front of us. Kylee was such a good girl! She was all about talking to the other kids as she stood in line. Yes, I said stood.... that is all she wants to do these days! Anyway we got her picture taken. She didn't smile she was too busy checking Santa out! After they take your pics they let the kids pic coins out of a treasure chest. They can turn the coins in at different store for fun trinkets or sweets. She got a bookmark and a cookie from Mrs. Fields. We gave her the cookie at lunch and she LOVED it! I am glad that we went back today, the pics turned out well and Daddy got to go with us. Oh and of course she had to scratch her poor little head the day before pics!

Santa.... the 1st try

Saturday My Mom and I took Kylee to Somerset Mall to see Santa. We got there at noon and were told that they were already booked for the day. They booked up at 11 AM for all of that days appointments! They are open until 8 PM! That's just crazy! The girl told us if we were to came back Monday or Tuesday morning they wait would not be very long because most kids are in school. Mom and I left and went to O'tooles for lunch. They were having a "Brunch with Santa" so Kylee got her picture taken there. It's a pretty crappy pic so Somerset here we come.........
Oh and it was not really a big deal that Kylee didn't get to see Santa that day but can you imagine telling a 5 year old that they were going to see Santa that day and get there and not be able to! That would be one unhappy kid!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nap Time

We have been putting Kylee in our bed at nap time. We can hear her better (we use the monitor at night) and she is all snuggley warm in there. The other day I went to get her up from her nap and Charlie had cuddled up in bed and was sleeping with her! They even look like they were holding hands! Too cute!

Kylee's 1st non family babysitter

Well December is a busy month! Mike is working a ton of hours and we have lots of things to do and get done. Last Thursday I went to the annual "Girls Christmas Party". The GCP is an event I started going to about 3 years ago. It is a lot of fun and each year the $$ raised goes to a charity. All the women in my family go and Mike had to work later then planned due to a last minute party so Becky (a long time friend of mine... and family in my eyes) babysat Kylee for a few hours. She had to feed her and do the whole nine yards! Becky said Kylee was great and they had fun.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

1st Zweiback

Last night we gave Kylee her 1st zwieback biscuit. She liked that she was feeding herself and gummed it for about 15 minutes before she moved on to the next thing that caught her eye. I was pretty impressed that it held her attention for 15 minutes! She is a VERY busy girl!

Trying to walk

Kylee is now going through the stage where she doesn't want to crawl she wants to stand. When you put her down and try to get her to sit she arches her back to stand. She is starting to walk w/ someone holding her hands but can not even begin to stand on her own (she is just now sitting up on her own!) This is very frustrating to her to so Mike and I have to take turns walking her around!