Sunday, November 14, 2010

Big Girl Bed!

The crib is down and Kylee is in a big girl bed! She does great at night but at nap time she just wants to play. She is %90 potty trained and now that she can get out of bed she sleeps in big girl panties. She has a potty in her room. The other night she called me at 2 am because she had gone potty and could not reach the wipes. That same night she ended up wetting the bed..... she got up, went into her dresser and got out new panties to put on. She then pulled her blankies down on the dry floor and slept there. Bless her lil heart! Needless to say we have backed of the liquids before bed. Next we have to tackle getting rid of the paci! She is doing so good and growing up way to fast!

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