Saturday, May 16, 2009


Kylee really seems to like ducks (this does NOT mean send us a bunch of duck stuff!!!). She can say duck and she will point to ducks. The other day we got a package from Mike's Grandma and it had a beanie baby duck in it that she has been carrying around. Then I found these duck PJ's in one of our hand me down boxes. So she was sitting on the couch winding down for bed in her duck jammies, with her yellow silky and a stuff duck. She looked so cute and I know she has a theme going on but I did NOT do it.... she did it..... matching is just in her blood! She makes Mama so proud!

Oh and on the subject of ducks on Mother's day (those pics coming soon... I got catch up!) my Mom was trying to get Kylee to feed the ducks in Grams yard. My Mom went in and got bread and was tossing it to the ducks. She gave some to Kylee to toss..... but she ate it! So I guess she likes ducks.... but not as much as food!

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