Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nani's Dogs

Ok so these may not be totally in chronological order but they all happened the week we were in Georgia. I can only stand to do a "scrapbook" lay out a night because the program is so stinking slow (I'm looking into new software). When I have a lot of pics of one "subject" I like to do them that way because it saves space (and I print them out for Kylee's book). Anyway.....

Uncle Tony and Nani brought their dogs Sydney and Scout with them when they came up. They all stayed w/ Tony's parents but they brought them by for Kylee to see. There dogs are very sweet... maybe to sweet because all they wanted to do was give Kylee big wet kisses! Kylee was not all about their kisses but after a while the dogs calmed down and they all got along fine.

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