Sunday, February 8, 2009

Before... lunch time

So when we came home from church today I stripped Kylee out of her dress and put her in her highchair for lunch. She has been a lot of grown up food (she even kinda gets mad if you give her baby food these days). I decided to give her some ravioli and let her feed herself (that's when she is happiest). Here is the mess she made. I think the one w/ her eyes closed she is saying "Mommy do I have something on my face?" and the one w/ her arms up she is saying "I'm done, I give up, lets go wash up!"
By the way my scrapbook program was giving me trouble and freezing up on me tonight so that is why there are just plain pics. I will replace them when I make the pages. If you would like to see all the pics you can go to (just copy and paste it to the address bar if the link does not work)

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