Friday, February 20, 2009

the stair-master

So we are getting ready to leave for GA and I am upstairs getting Kylee's stuff together and Mike calls up to me to see if the camera is upstairs too. I tell him yes and get it... I find Kylee and Mike half way up the stairs! Kylee wanted to see what Mama was doing and climbed up to see me! Mike was right behind her the whole time but she did all the work. Here is a short clip of her as she got to the top. (I was a lil late getting the whole thing. Sorry!)

Helping w/ the laundry

Kylee was helping Daddy do the laundry..... she loves to get into baskets! I hope that her fascination w/ laundry lasts... she may not be much help now but down the road it would be great!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kylee's Valentine

Well I know I have been slacking on the blog but not a whole lot to report. Kylee did have herself a Valentine.... my girlfriend Sandi's dog Morgan. He gave her a big wet kiss and everything! He is a big boy but very gentle... he even let her play w/ his ball! I will have lots to post soon because we will be in GA in 3 more days! Yeah! We can't wait!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Visting Great Grandma Wallet

On Tuesday Kylee and I went to see Grandma Wallet. We brought food and had dinner with her. Grandma was more interested in feeding Kylee than eating herself. Kylee was "reading" to Grandma as I cleaned up her dinner mess. We all had a nice visit!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Before... lunch time

So when we came home from church today I stripped Kylee out of her dress and put her in her highchair for lunch. She has been a lot of grown up food (she even kinda gets mad if you give her baby food these days). I decided to give her some ravioli and let her feed herself (that's when she is happiest). Here is the mess she made. I think the one w/ her eyes closed she is saying "Mommy do I have something on my face?" and the one w/ her arms up she is saying "I'm done, I give up, lets go wash up!"
By the way my scrapbook program was giving me trouble and freezing up on me tonight so that is why there are just plain pics. I will replace them when I make the pages. If you would like to see all the pics you can go to (just copy and paste it to the address bar if the link does not work)

After...bath time!

After Kylee was done eating it was straight to the bathtub! I didn't put her in her seat because I didn't want to clean that too. She loved just sitting in the bath and playing w/ the water, she even tried to use the wash clothe.

Delta Gamma Anchor Girls

On Saturday Kylee and I went to Sweet Afton's Tea Room in Plymouth to meet up w/ a bunch of my Delta Gamma sisters and their daughters. Delta Gamma has started a new program called Anchor Girls for legacies (which Kylee is). It was really nice to see my old friends and meet their little girls! We sat by the WMU girls, Molly and her daughter Laura (4) were next to us. Kylee loved playing w/ Laura. Laura also liked Kylee.... Molly called me that day to tell me that on the way home Laura said "Mommy I love baby Kylee! She is so much cuter than Joshy". Josh is Molly youngest (she has 2 boys, a girl and another boy on the way). Molly told her that was not a nice thing to say and Laura replied "it's okay to say that Mommy because Kylee is a girl"! LOL

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Picking out her clothes

Kylee likes to help pick out her own clothes..... but it seems that what she want to wear is always at the bottom of the basket and she has to pull everything out to get to it!


Since Mike works every Saturday night Kylee and I babysit for Danny my girlfriend Stephanie's son. Danny is 11 and an only child but he is really great w/ Kylee.... unless she has a stinky diaper then her wants nothing to do w/ her.... I can't blame him! LOL

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More tricks

So Kylee has more new tricks! She does High 5, So Big and patty cake. She has done them all for about 2-3 weeks now and loves showing off. It takes us twice as long at the grocery store because everyone has to stop and talk to her and her has to do tricks for them..... or blow raspberries at them depending on her mood. She thinks both are funny and so do all her new "friends". Then we start walking away and she waves like crazy and says bah-bye! She has been saying Mama for a while now and said Dada yesterday for the 1st time. She say baba all of the time and comes crawling full speed when she sees her bottle. Kylee raises her arms and says "pph" (up w/ out the u) when she wants you to pick her up. She is still surfing along anything she can grab on to but we know any day she is going to let go and make a run for it! She is growing so fast and does new things everyday to amaze us.

Playing in the snow

Sunday (Feb 1) it was "warm" (okay like in the 40's) so I took Kylee out to play in the snow. She didn't really know what to make of it. She tried eating the snow but other than that she just sat there. I'm not sure if she didn't move because she was in shock that she was sitting in cold white stuff or because she was all bundled up. Either way I don't think we will be out playing in it until at least next year and that is fine by me!

Kylee also has another new tooth. It is the one next to her front left. Her front left came through about 2 weeks ago and her front right it there and should pop through any day now.