Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas with the Ploughman's

We had a hard time getting a time that worked for everyone but we finally did it! We got the Ploughman side all together (Dave had to work) for Christmas. It was great to see everyone (we should get together more often!). We put out snacks for everyone until dinner was ready, Uncle Mike thought that Kylee should have some too! He was giving her everything! She now LOVES veggies and dip... but that is a good thing. We did the "White Elephant" exchange again this year.... that's where I got the idea to do it at my side of the family. Once again Kylee got more presents! (Thanks everyone!) Kylee's big cousin Thunder (Candy) helped her open them. Thunder got the Mexican Train Game in the exchange. Thunder, Jan and I played a short game before everyone left. We had a very nice time I'm glad we worked out a time to get together!

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