Friday, November 7, 2008

Mommy and Me swim class

Well yesterday Kylee and I started Mommy and Me swim classes. It is at my old high school (Waterford Mott) and the pool is only about 3 years old (yeah, they didn't have that when I was there!). Kylee had a ball! As soon as we got into the pool she was so happy to be around other kids! She was reaching out for them wanting to play. She is such a social butterfly... wonder where she gets that from? There are 4 girls and 1 boy in her class and they are all about the same age. It was really pretty cool. It is mostly for fun and to get them use to the water but we did do some exercises to help them swim. We tried to get them to blow bubbles... but Kylee wanted to eat the water as you will notice in the pic! We even put them under water (you didn't have to). Kylee was fine the whole time and never cried but did get a bit cold after awhile. She totally loved the water.....I think that she may be part fish!

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