Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Renaissance Festival

September 1st, Labor Day we went to the renaissance festival with my mom, my Grandma and Danielle. It was a very warm day but we all had a great day. Danielle got a henna tattoo and Kylee got a fairy hat thanks to Great Gram. We ate lots of great food, even a turkey leg that really sparked Kylee's interest! Kylee lost a shoe... but just like Cinderella it was found and returned! The festival is quite unique and a lot of people dress up... I brought Kylee a princess hat to wear (that only lasted a few minutes). We also saw a parrot that she really wanted to play with but we didn't think that was such a great idea so she had to admire him from a far. We had a great day and I want to take her back when she can get into it more.

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