Friday, June 4, 2010

Kylee's 1st Tiger's game

My girlfriend Sandi gave us tickets to the (day) game the day after the "perfect game". The weather was GREAT and we had a wonderful day. We tried to get down there early enough that Kylee could get her ball signed but I-75 traffic messed that all up (dang MI construction!). We got there just past 12. Kylee walked from the parking garage to the park, to our seats and back to the front of the park and was great! She sat in her seat (she played w/ my ipod when she was board) and was not fussy all day. We left in the 5th inning and went to ride the merry go round and headed for the car. She stayed up 2 hours past her nap in the sun like a champ. She even held up her sign when they were coming on and off the field. I loved seeing people see her! They were pointing and waving.... let's face it she is CUTE!

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