Sunday, November 15, 2009

1st time at the ocean

Our third day in Florida we went down to Clear Water Beach (about 20 minutes from where Bruce and Kathy live). It was the most AMAZING day! The sand was so soft and white, the weather was gorgeous and the waves were the perfect size for Kylee to play in! I didn't expect it to be as hot as it was that day and didn't put Kylee in her bathing suit. That didn't stop her when see saw that water she RAN straight into it skirt and all (so we took the skirt off and let her play in her onesie... we had extra clothes in the car). She had a ball playing in the sand, Looking for shells with Grandma and splashing in the waves as they came in. We even got a few good Family shots! Kylee may not remember her 1st time at the ocean but I will always remember they way her face lite up as she played in the crystal blue ocean!

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