Sunday, November 15, 2009

first 1/2 of the trip

I know I have been slacking on the blog and I am sorry. When we can home I needed to unwind for vacation (I know it sounds silly but it is true!). So here are the updates from the first half of our trip. As always this is the newest post and they get older as you scroll down the page. This is how the first leg of our trip went......

We left Thursday morning at 6 am. We drove to Cincinnati at 11 and had lunch with my Dad. He got her a DVD player for the car and it was the best thing EVER! I don't think Kylee could have done the car ride with out it! Thanks SO much Dad and Karen! After lunch we drove to Sue's house in Atlanta. We spent the night there and stayed through luch the next day (Fri). After lunch we made our way down to Tony and Stef's house in Valdosta. They took us out to an AWESOME dinner of yummy crab legs and we spent the night there. We left the next morning (Sat) and head down to Bruce and Kathy's just outside of Clear Water Florida. We got the late afternoon and just relaxed. Sunday we went to Tarpon Springs. Monday we went to the ocean and had lunch at Frenchy's. Tuesday we just played in the pool and relaxed. Wednesday it was back in the car in and we drove back to Sue's in Atlanta..... The Atlanta part of the trip will be posted soon. (I have had a few photo gigs and have to edit those photos too).

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for letting us come visit and stay with you! Thank you for all the wonderful lunches and dinners. Kathy your desserts ROCK!

Here are some more pool pics (I needed some kind of pics to post w/ this wordy entry!)

Remember to click on November on the right side of the page so that you see all the new stuff and you can always click on a pic to make it bigger!

We love and miss you all! ~Korey

Kitchen Picnic's

For what ever reason Kylee loved to sit in Grandpa and Grandma's kitchen (maybe because we keep her out of ours). She ran in there every chance she got! Grandma Kathy was a true sport and would make her little snacks and the would sit on the floor and have picnics and color.

Coloring with Grandpa and Grandma

Kylee found fell in love with coloring while we were on our trip. She kept getting into Grandpa's pens so I went and got her Wonder Color Markers and coloring books (the markers only write on the Color Wonder paper.... so there was NO MESS!). They were a big hit and they kept her busy and out of Grandpa's stash of pens. She absolutely loved them.... even if her favorite part was taking the caps on and off and stick the markers between her toes with Grandpa (I think Grandma came up with this fun lil game).

Lunch at the beach

After we played in the ocean we changed Kylee and had lunch at Frenchy's (this place was RIGHT ON THE BEACH). We sat outside and enjoyed the sunshine as we ate our lunch. I got fish tacos and a Margarita, just when I thought we already had the perfect day... the lunch at this place made it even better! The only I could have done without was the damn seagulls... but it was still worth putting up with them (and for me that's saying ALOT!) to dine outside with that wonderful view! When do I get to go back????

1st time at the ocean

Our third day in Florida we went down to Clear Water Beach (about 20 minutes from where Bruce and Kathy live). It was the most AMAZING day! The sand was so soft and white, the weather was gorgeous and the waves were the perfect size for Kylee to play in! I didn't expect it to be as hot as it was that day and didn't put Kylee in her bathing suit. That didn't stop her when see saw that water she RAN straight into it skirt and all (so we took the skirt off and let her play in her onesie... we had extra clothes in the car). She had a ball playing in the sand, Looking for shells with Grandma and splashing in the waves as they came in. We even got a few good Family shots! Kylee may not remember her 1st time at the ocean but I will always remember they way her face lite up as she played in the crystal blue ocean!

more ocean

Sorry she is so stinkin cute I had to post more pics!

Tarpon Springs

Our second day in Florida Bruce and Kathy took us out for a late lunch in Tarpon Springs (and we got to have pie for dinner that night! YUMMY!). Tarpon Spring is where the sponge docks are and all the sponge boats come to dock. After we had lunch we took a nice stroll along the water and looked at all the boats. It was a beautiful day to be down by the water!

Getting her chair just right.....

Kylee brought her own beach chair with her to Florida.... and it had to be just right!

pool time.... part 1

Kylee LOVED playing in the pool! I think she is part fish! She did NOT want to get out. We worked on her bubble blowing, kicking her feet and going under water. She liked being in her little boat but liked it better when Daddy was holding her because he would toss her in the air.

Sun Bathing Beauty

After the pool Kylee wanted to dry out and get a lil sun!