Friday, June 5, 2009

saying HI to the monkey

Yesterday we had a family day at the zoo. We had a WONDERFUL day. The weather was warm and the zoo was not crowed. We got there at 2 just as all the school field trips were leaving. The best part of the day was spending it with my 2 favorite people. I LOVE FAMILY DAYS! Kylee had a great time too. We pretty much stuck to the "big animals" because they were the easiest for her to find. I think she was just happy to be hangin w/ Mommy and Daddy on a nice day. We bought a membership so this should be the 1st of many trips to the zoo. I will put more pics up later I'm going to hang w/ my hubby that got home early on a Friday night.

This is Kylee saying HI to the monkey yesterday at the zoo.

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