Monday, June 29, 2009

Grandpa & Busia's Visit

Here are some pics from when my Dad and Karen were in over Memorial Day.... I must have forgot to post it. Sorry!

Playing in the hose

The other day Sharon was out watering the flowers and Kylee wanted to help. I think that Kylee ended up getting "watered" more than the flowers.

Behind Bars

Great Gram got a gate put up on her deck so Kylee can't fall down the steps (my mom had one built too). It works out nice because she can play and you don't have to hover over her..... but she kinda looks like she is behind bars! LOL

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Today was Mike's 2nd Father's day. We did some stuff around the house and then went to dinner and for ice cream w/ my Mom. Here is a family pic and some of Kylee and Daddy enjoying their ice cream cones.

Pretty Piggies!

So on Thursday after Kylee feel asleep I painted her toes! It is just a very light pink and I am not the best nail polisher but they are pretty none the less!

Daddy's Birthday

Mike was off on his birthday (the big 39) and spent the day with Kylee. That night we had dinner at Great Gram's (it fell on a family dinner night). Her is a pic of Mike and Kylee w/ Mike's favorite pineapple cake. Happy Birthday Baby! I hope you had a nice day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

"A GOOD Band"

So when the kids were over to night (*see post below) they decided to rock out! They were so cute singing, dancing and playing their instruments! When I asked Mali what the name of their band was he told me.... "A Good Band"!

Monday Nights

My Neighbor Amy goes to school Monday nights before her husband Steve can get home so I watch the kids (Lydia 6, Malachi 4 & Emerick 3 months) from about 5-7:30. Here are a few pics from tonight.

Kylee giving baby Emrick love
Mali & Kylee playing

Lydia reading to Kylee (this is what I found when I walked into the living room from cleaning up dinner. They all play so nicely!

All the Kiddos.... I know it is not the best pic but you get a 6, 4, 1 & 3 month old to all look and smile! LOL

Friday Night Dinner w/ extended family

When Mike was growing up his step father's nephew Rich lived with them for awhile. Last week Rich and his family were in MI for his parents 50 wedding anniversary. While he was in we went to "cousin Ed's" house for a BBQ. We had a really nice time and Kylee had a blast. There was 3 sets of "cousins" there and each of them had 3 children (ages 9-16). Kylee may not look happy in this pic (because we made her stop playing)but she had fun! 6 of the kids were girls that followed Kylee around all night, played in the bounce house with her and took her on the swing set. Kylee was doing laps around the house and they all followed her. She was clapping so they would clap back. She loved all the attention and was totally wore out the next day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

mmmmm Ice Cream!

After the park we stopped and got an ice cream cone. Kylee ate hers all by herself! She loved that she was getting all messy as she STUFFED the whole cone in her mouth. She did so well I went up and got another empty cone and filled it with some of my ice cream. It was a sweet ending to a wonderful day!

Family Day @ Hess Hathaway Park

Today was our weekly family outing and we went to Hess Hathaway Park. The park is only about 10 minutes away and the weather could not have been any more perfect! At the park there is a little petting zoo and a big playground... and it's FREE! Kylee liked the animals and pet a bunny but she was more interested in all the kids! She didn't want to hold Daddy's hand, she's a big girl and was walking around, checking things out on her own. The swings were her favorite (as usual) but she really liked playing in the sand today too. I think we will have many more family days spent at Hess Hathaway!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Drumming w/ Daddy!

Kylee and I went out to Mike's work and had dinner w/ him tonight. She was sooo happy walking around like a big girl checking out all the games and lights. We let her have a go at the drum game and she loved it..... what's not to like, she got to bang on something w/ sticks!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Lobster Fest

We went to the Elks Lobster Fest tonight..... look at Kylee ready to dig in! Yum!

For Marc, Tony and Wendy

Kylee has 2 Uncles and an Aunt that are deployed right now. I took this pic to put in the cards I am sending them. I know she kinda looks like a boy here... but hey she has hair its just really light and she pulls her bows out! What can I do?

Gram's Fountain

Great Gram has a fountain on her deck that Kylee loves to play in. She is always splashing/touching the "lil girl" tyring to get her to play too!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sunday Best

Kylee looks so pretty on Sunday for church I thought I would take a quick pic of her all dolled up... she was NOT havin anything to do w/ smiling pretty for Mommy!

saying HI to the monkey

Yesterday we had a family day at the zoo. We had a WONDERFUL day. The weather was warm and the zoo was not crowed. We got there at 2 just as all the school field trips were leaving. The best part of the day was spending it with my 2 favorite people. I LOVE FAMILY DAYS! Kylee had a great time too. We pretty much stuck to the "big animals" because they were the easiest for her to find. I think she was just happy to be hangin w/ Mommy and Daddy on a nice day. We bought a membership so this should be the 1st of many trips to the zoo. I will put more pics up later I'm going to hang w/ my hubby that got home early on a Friday night.

This is Kylee saying HI to the monkey yesterday at the zoo.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cheering on the Wings w/ Grandpa

My Dad is a HUGE Wings fan. While he was here he was teaching Kylee about hockey. So far she knows how to "high five" when they score... that's about the only thing her Mommy knows about hockey too.

Dinner at MiMi's

When my Dad and Karen were in town we spent Saturday afternoon at Mimi's and Karen made us an awesome pot roast for dinner. Here is Kylee w/ Grandpa, Busia & MiMi.

Mothers Day

I will post "scrapbook" layouts as I get them done but until I do here are a few highlights. Here is a 4 generation pic taken on Mother's Day.