Saturday, May 30, 2009

Eating Yogurt

In this video she needs to work a little harder to get the yogurt on the spoon but I love how the spoon gets stuck to her face! I have another video where she really digs in to the yogurt but I can't get it to upload.... I'll try again but I got a cute one of her eating watermelon today so you might see that instead!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Merry Go Round

I am posting the video 1st because I know you all like the videos best. My Dad came in last week to do out garage roof (THANKS DAD!!!). While he was in he stayed with us and then when Karen came in they stayed at Mi Mi's because they brought Marshall the dog. So we had a really nice time while he was here and Kylee and Grandpa got to spend time together. They watched the hockey game. GO WINGS! we went to Mi Mi's and the St. Mary's (Polish) fair. At the fair we ate Polish food, had a funnel cake, played Bingo, Kylee went in a bounce house and even rode the Merry Go Round w/ Grandma and Busia. It was 11.25 to take her on the ride but she loved it! Here is a video of her getting ready for it to start. I will edit and put up more pics later. Enjoy!

Merry go round 2

Here is Kylee riding the merry go round w/ Grandma and Busia... oh and this video kinda makes ya dizzy! that's why it is so short!

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Say Cheese" video

Here is a video of Kylee eating a cupcake. I thought it was cute so I was telling her to say cheese so I could take her pic. Well I guess she is totally use to me taking her pics because every (ok most) time she would squish her face up, give me a totally posed smile, and say CHEESE!

"Say Cheese" pics

Here are a few still pics of her eating the cupcake. Can you just hear her saying "CHEESE"!

See she DOES have hair!

After Kylee ate the cupcake she needed a bath and her hair washed. When her hair is wet you can actually see it.... like her hairdo?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Go Herd!

Well I put up the Wings for Grandpa so here is one for Busha (that's my Dad's wife Karen, Busha is Grandma in Polish). Here is Kylee sporting her Marshall shirt.


Kylee really seems to like ducks (this does NOT mean send us a bunch of duck stuff!!!). She can say duck and she will point to ducks. The other day we got a package from Mike's Grandma and it had a beanie baby duck in it that she has been carrying around. Then I found these duck PJ's in one of our hand me down boxes. So she was sitting on the couch winding down for bed in her duck jammies, with her yellow silky and a stuff duck. She looked so cute and I know she has a theme going on but I did NOT do it.... she did it..... matching is just in her blood! She makes Mama so proud!

Oh and on the subject of ducks on Mother's day (those pics coming soon... I got catch up!) my Mom was trying to get Kylee to feed the ducks in Grams yard. My Mom went in and got bread and was tossing it to the ducks. She gave some to Kylee to toss..... but she ate it! So I guess she likes ducks.... but not as much as food!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Easter morning Kylee and I got up and went to church. When we got home the Easter Bunny had been to our house and left Kylee a basket w/ books, sand toys, bubbles and other goodies. In the afternoon we went to Great Gram's for dinner and she got another basket from Grandma and an outfit from Gram. After dinner we changed her into play clothes and went out and played with her bubbles.

Go Wings!

Kylee cheering on Grandpa's team!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Easter Egg Coloring

All of us girls (plus Joanie and Patty) color Easter eggs every year. This year we did it after Family dinner the week before Easter. We let Kylee sit at the table with us but she was more interested in banging and tossing the eggs than she was coloring them...... better luck next year.

Oh and you will see in the pics that Toby put plastic eggs on her eyes and Kylee thought it was funny so SHE put one one her nose (all by herself)!

Yo Gabba Gabba

Kylee LOVES Noggin TV. Yup we let our 1 year old watch TV.... sometimes Mommy and Daddy need to get stuff done (like cook dinner) and can't have her under our feet. Anyway there is this show she likes Yo Gabba Gabba (not one of my favs!). It always has different celebrities on there (Sugerland was on the other day) and they have these dance parties. They sing educational songs and get the kids moving. Today the song was about clapping, stomping and wiggling.... watch Kylee clap and shake her booty to the music! LOL

Oh and these videos were just taken.... thought I would give you something new to look at while I play catch up!

More Walking

So you asked for more walking video and here it is. Kylee is really getting around these days! She can weave her way all over the house her only problem is getting up when she doesn't have something she can use to pull herself up with. She is so cute walking around the house all "frankinbaby" (ya know with her arm up in the air!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

OCBC Easter Party

Okay so I know I have a ton of things to post and I am trying to get caught back up. We were busy getting ready for Kylee's birthday and the we all got a sick. Now it is nice out and Kylee wants to play outside with the neighbors and I can't just put her outside by herself so I have been going out with her and trying to get some yard work done between shagging her down. So I am trying but living in MI you have to enjoy the nice weather when it comes. So here are a few pages. I will try to do a few more each time until we are all caught up again.... or I will catch up in the fall when it starts to get crappy again! LOL

So this is from the OCBC Easter party. They do breakfast with the bunny and then an Easter egg hunt. Kylee meet a new friend Emily that day and she helped her find eggs. Emily played with Kylee the whole time and Kylee loved it. For me the best part was having 4 generations there (Gram, Mom, Me and Kylee). My Gram has been a member there forever and I use to go to the OCBC Easter party when I was Kylee's age!

Easter Eggs at Mi Mi's

The Saturday before Easter I took Kylee over to see Mi Mi (that's what Grandma Wallet has decided she wants Kylee to call her). She took us out to lunch and when we got back she gave Kylee her first Easter basket. The basket had a ton of plastic eggs in it and Kylee thought that they were balls. Mi Mi kept putting them in her overalls and Kylee kept fishing them out. Kylee loved that game and it kept her busy for about 20 minutes (which is a long time right now).

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ELCC Easter egg coloring

The Friday before Easter was Family Fun Night at church. Everyone brought snacks and eggs to color. The eggs were used in the kids egg hunt Easter Sunday. Kylee was a bit to young to color eggs but she loved hanging out with everyone and of course loved the food! Her buddy Avery and her hung out snacking and watching everyone color eggs.