Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Okay so I have been busy (I seem to always be busy these days). Now that Easter and Kylee's birthday have passed I will try to get up to date once again!
Anyway Kylee has been surfing around the furniture since Christmas. She has taken a few steps here and there form Mike to me or vice versa. Well today she walked! Not just a few steps either she took off! There is no holding her back now!
We also went to her 1 year check up on Tuesday. She was 29 1/2 inches and 23 1/4 lbs. That puts her in the 75%. She got 2 vaccines and they drew blood to check of allergies! Let's hope she takes after her Mama and doesn't have allergies!
I will be working on get the blog up to date... but my house is a mess and I have Thank You cards to write. So stay tuned!.........

1 comment:

Sue said...

This is tooo cute. I've already watched it several times. You go Kylee!