Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Skipping ahead......

Okay I know I need to finish up our GA trip but my scrapbooking program is so slow and crappy I think I am switching to photoshop elements 7 (if you have or use this program I would love feedback). Anyway it will take me awhile to figure it out and make more pages so I am jumping ahead.... or I will never get current! I still need to do the cousin pics, a family page and a page at my Dad's house. I will post them as they get done so look for them soon(ish).
I was not sure what pic to post here so here is Kylee on the last stretch of our ride home from GA eating her feet! Must be nice to be so bendy... These days I am glad I can see my feet! LOL
I think that there is one more post I added that is not on this page (at least on my computer). If you click on March on the right of the post it should bring all of March up w/ all the new posts! Enjoy!

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