Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Skipping ahead......

Okay I know I need to finish up our GA trip but my scrapbooking program is so slow and crappy I think I am switching to photoshop elements 7 (if you have or use this program I would love feedback). Anyway it will take me awhile to figure it out and make more pages so I am jumping ahead.... or I will never get current! I still need to do the cousin pics, a family page and a page at my Dad's house. I will post them as they get done so look for them soon(ish).
I was not sure what pic to post here so here is Kylee on the last stretch of our ride home from GA eating her feet! Must be nice to be so bendy... These days I am glad I can see my feet! LOL
I think that there is one more post I added that is not on this page (at least on my computer). If you click on March on the right of the post it should bring all of March up w/ all the new posts! Enjoy!

new kid on the block (after)

Our next door neighbors the Martin's have a new addition! Emrick Asher Martin. March 21 2009. 7lbs 15 oz 20 inches. (1/2 lb lighter and 1/2 inch shorter than Kylee when she was born). Check out all that hair! It's crazy to think Kylee was ever this tiny! There is a before of Amy's belly below!

5 days before baby Emrick was born (before)

Here is a pic of our next door neighbor Amy holding Kylee just before she popped! Amy said she was sitting Kylee on Emrick to help push him out!

Avery & Kylee

Kylee LOVES Sundays because we go to church and she gets to play in the baby room! Here she is w/ Avery (10 days younger than Kylee) and Papa Dave. Why is it that little boys get all the hair!?! Shocker that she is having a snack I know!

Kylee can wear a bow!

Her hair is really starting to grow! It's thin and light but it I can now put a bow in it! The quilt was made for her by one of Great Grandma Wallet's friends.

Reese and Kylee

Here is a pic of Reese (12 hours younger than Kylee) and Kylee at church. The pic was taken after church so both of the girls are a lil tired and hungry! but it shows how big they are getting. This was a few weeks ago so the girls are about 10 months here.... see how behind I am!

Eating w/ Danny

Kylee and I babysit most Saturday nights for Danny my girlfriend Stephanie's son. Danny is really good with her and know the way to her heart..... he shared food w/ her! He had some spinach pie and she gave him puppy dog eyes until he gave her some!

Great Grandma Wallet Rocks!

On our last visit to Great Grandma Wallet's house Kylee was playing w/ her rocking chair so GGW put her in it. Kylee loved it!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slumber Party!

After dinner on Friday night we let the kids have a slumber party at Grammy's house. All the adults were suppose to go out that night but most of us didn't feel up to it so we all ended up hanging out at Sue's house.... let's just say she had a house FULL!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

1st trip to the park

For the most part we had great weather while we were in GA. Thursday it was so nice out (65ish) Stacy, Lisa and I decided to take the girls to the park. The park is really nice they have a baby area, a bigger kid part and a skate park. All of the ground under the play equipment had this squish stuff covering it so falling down was no big deal! It was great sharing Kylee's 1st time to the park with her Aunts and cousin. Mike and Sue wanted to come but had to stay home dealing w/ out car getting broke into. They broke the glass out of the window all into Kylee's carseat. Who does that! Bitches!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kylee's Bed

Sue now lives in an apartment now that all of her kids are grown and out of the house. Her apartment has 1 bedroom and she gave it to us (THANKS SUE!). Her bed is a double (full? I don't know but I think it is smaller than a queen) so we made Kylee a little bed on the floor because all 3 of us were not going to fit in the bed. Kylee loved it! One afternoon she woke up from her nap and just crawled out of the bedroom all own her own. At night if she woke up, she would stand up and tap Mike on the shoulder and he would scoop her up and put her in the middle of us.... on those nights Mike and I were sleeping on the edge, she sure takes up a lot of room for such a lil girl!

Marietta Diner

When we went to GA I just wanted to spend quality time with the family so we didn't make a lot of "plans". There were 2 things I wanted to do while we were there. 1 was get all the cousins together and get pics taken (I'll post those soon). 2 was go to the Marietta Diner (it was in Diners, Drive-ins & Dives). I got to do both! Kylee went too but was already buckled in to her car seat when this pic was taken. In over 100 posts this is the 1st one w/ out Kylee in it!

Nani's Dogs

Ok so these may not be totally in chronological order but they all happened the week we were in Georgia. I can only stand to do a "scrapbook" lay out a night because the program is so stinking slow (I'm looking into new software). When I have a lot of pics of one "subject" I like to do them that way because it saves space (and I print them out for Kylee's book). Anyway.....

Uncle Tony and Nani brought their dogs Sydney and Scout with them when they came up. They all stayed w/ Tony's parents but they brought them by for Kylee to see. There dogs are very sweet... maybe to sweet because all they wanted to do was give Kylee big wet kisses! Kylee was not all about their kisses but after a while the dogs calmed down and they all got along fine.

Aunt Stacy's Birthday

We got in late on Saturday night so our first full day in Georgia was Sunday 2/22.... this is also Aunt Stacy's birthday. We all went to the Cheese Cake Factory for a yummy lunch. It was nice getting everyone together and spending Stacy's birthday with her.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nani Surprised us!

Mike's sister Stefani (Nani) and her husband Tony surprised us by coming in to see us (we know who she really wanted to see... Kylee). It was really nice of them to come in both weekends! They live in Valdasta and it is about a 4 hour drive to Sue's). I love every extra minute Kylee gets to see her Daddy's side because they all live so far away! Thanks Uncle Tony & Nani!
That's all for tonight... I'm hoping to be caught up by the end of the weekend. Kylee is such a busy girl these days it's hard to find time to get on here. I'll try my best to get/keep this updated... nice weather maybe calling us outside too... if it ever gets here!

Kylee & Preslie in the tub

Nanni bought Kylee some new bath toys so the girls had to test them out in Grammy's tub. They had a lot of good CLEAN fun!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Walking the Lion

Grammy, Aunt Stacy and Nanni all had toys for Kylee when we got down there. Here she is walking her lion that Aunt Stacy got her.

Shopping Trip

Sue, Mike, Kylee and I went to the Kohl's in the mall to find coordinating outfits for the kids to wear in the "cousins pic". Mike and Kylee got board so Mike took Kylee on her 1st coin operated ride. I think she was more interested in playing / the car that "riding" it but over all I think she had fun.

Driving to GA

Okay so I have a LOT of catching up to do. I am starting w/ the oldest and working up to current. As most of you know we went to GA to see all of Mike's Family. We had a GREAT time and here are some high lights!

This is Kylee taking her turn driving.... J/K we were stopped!