Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Carving! 10/30/08

After our weekly family dinner at Great Gram's we all carved pumpkins! We mainly did it because it is Kylee's 1st Halloween... like she even cares! LOL You forget how gross it is cleaning them out if you haven't done it in a while! We laughed a ton and had a good time!

Just wondering .... does anyone read this?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kylee's new "babysitters"!

Kylee and I go to church w/ the Martin's and they live next door. Sunday after church Lydia (6) wanted to come over and play with Kylee so Malachi (3) did too. It worked out GREAT! It got the kids out of the house so Amy could have some peace (she is 6 months preggo) and Lydia and Mali "watched" Kylee for me so I got some stuff done around the house! Don't worry I was in the house but she had someone to play w/ besides me so I got a few things done too. I think that this will be happening more often on Sundays!
... and no that is not what she wore to church! I changed her when we got home!

6 month DR appointment 10/23/08

Well I know I have to add some more from our TX trip. Since I want to try to keep this as current as I can I am going to come back to that. Since it is Fall and there are lots of other events and most of you have seen all of the TX photos via email I will post more later.

So Kylee had her 6 month DR appointment on 10/23/08. She got more shots but did really well! She now has 2 teeth and has for about a month (the second one came in about a week after the 1st one). She is 17 lbs 10 oz and 26 1/2 inches. She is in the 75 percentile. Kylee and her friend Reese that was born about 10 hours after and was about the same size when born are neck and neck with in 1/2 an inch and a few ounces so she is par for the course!

The morning of the doctor I had all of her toys pick up and was running her bath and we were off to the DR. Well since she had no toys to play with she wiggled over to her diaper bag and and got out the toys and every thing else that was in it! Little stinker! I guess she showed me!

Friday, October 24, 2008


We all loved going to Marc and Wendy's wedding and it was awesome for Kylee to get to meet the rest of Mike's family. One of the best parts was we all got to spend time with Mike's mom (she lives in GA). It was great that Kylee got to see her Grammy again and we all wish that she was closer to us and we could see her all of the time! Oh and how cute is our little ham all dressed up for the wedding!

The car ride

Kylee had a great time in TX! She was such a good girl while we drove 12 hours a day for 2 days (both ways). She played w/ her toys and she loves the tags on things! She caught up on her reading and Mommy even let her try licorice! Mommy let her stay in her jammies so she was comfy (and that is rare because if she leaves the house she is dressed!) We got out to eat and stretch our legs as often as we could but she just went with the flow! We are so blessed to have such a good baby.


On our road trip from TX Mike let Kylee try a pickle! She LOVED it! She didn't make the yucky sour face at all! She is gonna have my taste buds and try everything.... at least we hope! LOL

Harvest Happenings 10/5/08

On a beautiful fall day after church we went to Hess-Hathaway park with our neighbors the Martins. They had rides for the kids, a petting zoo, pony rides, cider, doughnuts and more. Lydia and Malachi had a great time and I can't wait to take Kylee again next year when she can really enjoy it too.