Monday, August 30, 2010

Riding Bikes

Amy and I took the kids down to the church parking lot so they could practice riding bikes. Kylee is doing pretty good. She can peddle pretty well if you get her a lil push start. After awhile she got board and thought Emricks truck was more fun!

A Day at the Zoo

We had a perfect summer day and got to spend it at the zoo with Sandi and Max. It was our first trip to the zoo this year because it has been a really hot summer. Kylee walked most of the time and got really excited about the animals. She knew what all the animals were and would make their "animal noise" .  She had a great day hangin with her buddy Max.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Earrings

Bez bought Kylee new earrings so we changed them for the first time.

BAD Kylee!

Well it happened...... Kylee colored all over MiMi's walls! Luckily they were washable crayons (and MiMi's walls will need to be repainted anyway because the are scuffed up from the walker)


Nona brought Kylee a new bubble gun!

Aunt Jan & Uncle Mike's house

Went went down to Dearborn for Auntie and Aunt Jan's birthdays. After dinner we went back to Mike and Jan's house to have some of Kylee's yummy brownies! Kylee got to read with Jan and Lynn and play with "baby Coco" (as she calls her). We  really need to do that more often!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mmmmm Brownies!

It was Auntie's birthday and Aunt Jan's the next day so Chef Kylee made them brownies sporting her hat and apron the Auntie and Lynn got her. Man does this lil girl LOVE to bake!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Flash Cards

We have been working on the ABC's and 123"s with Kylee using flash cards. The flash cards are large enough that MiMi can see them and she can do them with Kylee. Kylee is doing really well she knows all of her letters (most of the time) and can count to 13 (she keeps going after that but not in the right order). She can even spell her name 70% of the time!

Slide, Slide, Slip a de Slide

After a day at the park how do you cool off? Slip n Slide! This post should have gone after the park but before the huge marshmallow post. I really like the pic of her "drinking" the spray and the one of her on her belly looks just like me as a kid (at least I think so.... I will scan one of me in and do a side by side later).