Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Log Cabin Days

Last weekend we went to Log Cabin Days with MiMi at the Hatchery Fish Pond. They had arts and crafts (do make and to buy), pony rides, face painting and yummy strawberry shortcakes! Kylee did it all! She had her 1st pony ride and kept yelling WEEEEE horsey! She waited in line told the man that she wanted "pinK butterfly" and sat soooo still while he painted it on her face. All the girls working the booth LOVED her and asked if they could take pics of her. Kylee also enjoyed hot dog and a huge strawberry shortcake with MiMi while they listened to the big band play music. I'm not sure who had more fun, Kylee doing the stuff or Mimi watching her.

Some more Smores!

The kids missed the bon fire at Mike's party so Mike made them one on their last night here. The kiddos loved roasting marshmallows and making smores.... and we all liked eating them! YUMMY!

Monkeying around in the back yard

Playing on the swingset.

Settling Down with Pres

Before bed Kyle watches a show or plays a few games to settle down before bed. On Pres's last night here she cuddles in with her.

Beach Bummin it with Nani

They day we went swimming it was overcast so the water was a bit chilly. We had to MAKE Kylee get out of the water and she was NOT a happy camper! Nani was a good sport and got out with her and shared a snack and some giggles with her cutie pie.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swimming at the Beach

While Mike's family was in town we took them out on Cass Lake swimming. The kids Had a blast and were amazed that they could walk out so far and see the bottom.

Are you ready for some football?

The gang playing some football in the side yard.


While Jordan and Pres were here they all got tattoos! Lucky for them they were just done with washable marker..... they are way to young to pick out what they want on their bodies for the rest of their lives. I mean who wants Star wars, Miley Cyrus and Max and Ruby on their bodies for the rest of there lives...... trust me I know! LOL