Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa at the Elks

After the Church program we took Kylee to see Santa at the elks. Needless to say it was no better if not worse than when we took her to the mall. It may have been better if she 1. Had a nap after church. and 2 didn't start the party at 1:00 (nap time for most kids under 3) and make the kids wait until 3:00 for Santa to "come to town". They had face painting and crafts but the little ones would not sit still for that. By 3:00 they had a BUNCH of cranky little kids on their hands! I hope they work it out better next year. On the plus side they did give out really cool toys! Oh and do you like the lil "shiner" she has on her cheek? Yup had to take a spill the week before Christmas! LOL
I'm am going to bed more post to come soon. I have alot of editing to do but I will get them up soon now that all of our Christmas parties are over. Happy New Year everyone!

ELCC Christmas Program

The kids did the manger scene and sang for this years Christmas program at church. The the kids were 7 and under (except Jazzy, she read the story). Kylee and the girls her age were sheep! They were walking sheep, but sheep non the less! The other 2 sheep had older sibling up om stage and kinda went over by them. Not Kylee, she was running all over the stage and up and down the aisle saying "Hi, Hi Dad"! It was pretty darn cute!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Baking with Nana!

OK this brings me up to date on bloging! Yeah me! I have been watching 2-3 kids, Christmas shopping, making photo gifts, wrapping, church stuff and tyring to spend QT with Mike (he has kinda gotten the short end of the stick). So here it is, probably the last post until after Christmas. I still need to do Christmas card (they might be late... sorry!) It's crunch time people I have a million things left to do! Check back after the holiday and I will have more up. PS I was multitasking and having a Captain when I put these all up sorry for the typos.... I'm sure there are a ton!
So my Mom had Kylee this past Tuesday and they baked cookies. Kylee poured the flour in, cracked eggs, used the mixer, rolled ball for thumb print cookies and squished them. She put jelly in the thumb prints, iced the sugar cookies and put a million sprinkles on after. My Mom said she did awesome! You can see from the pics she is already more of a baker than her Mama!

Grandpa and Kylee's trip to see Santa

My Grandpa took me to see Santa every year so my Dad came in to take Kylee to see Santa. I got to go this year because my Dad was not doing poopy diapers... next year I get the boot! I went to Sommerset on Sat at 11 am hopping to get an appointment time for around 4 (after Kylee's nap). NOPE they were booked until 7 pm that night. So we got up at 7ish on Sunday to get there and get in line to see Santa. After waiting until 9:45 in a closed mall we finally had screaming Santa pics! (see below)

Screaming Santa Pics

Well Kylee was not real happy to see the fat bearded man! I'm not so sure if it was Santa or the fact that we woke her up, got her dressed and made her wait 2 hours in a closed mall to see the man! Never the less I think every kid needs a screaming Santa pic!

Piggy Tails!

Kylee's hair is finally long enough to go up in pigtails! OK so they are more like piggy spikes as Danielle would say. She has her paci because she was not real happy about me doing her hair! and the part is uneven because she has the same dang cowlick that her Dad has. How cute is she!

Reindeer and Christmas Tree

Well our tree is up and the girls are ready!

Sherlock Ladd

I really like this little dress and hat combo (it has a purse too). Kylee wore it to church and then we went over to Mimi's for an early dinner. She looked to dang cute.... but when she picked up the magnifying glass she kinda reminded me of Sherlock Holmes! LOL


Every Thursday I take care of Wyatt (3 months). He is a cutie but not yet big enough for Kylee (and Emma... I have her too on some Thursdays) to play with. Watch out kid as soon as these girls are old enough they will be dressing you up like their dolls!

Meet Emma Lillian

Emma is my girlfriend Kristy (been friends with her since I was about 13) and Tim (who sold us our house) lil girl. I started watching Emma this past month. It started out as a one week favor and has grown into a great playmate for Kylee. We have Emma a few time a week pretty much all day. We eat, nap and play together. Emma is such a happy lil chunk a monk! We just love having her! PS I took the pics! How cute is she!